Manage all of your registrations

easily and for free


Adopt an all-in-one management platform


Des forfaits adaptés à votre association

Quels que soient les besoins de votre organisation, nous avons le forfait qu'il vous faut ! Découvrez tous nos forfaits dès maintenant.


$0 100% free

Get started
  • Unlimited users
  • Online registration: memberships, donations and events
  • Payments by credit card online, transfer, cheque and cash
  • Newsletters: 2000 contacts included, unlimited mailings
  • Online support per videoconference


$24 per licence per month i It is possible to have an unlimited number of users. In order for them to be able to connect at the same time, you will need several licenses. a

Get started
  • All features in the Free plan  +
  • CRM for memberships
  • Website creation
  • Cash accounting


$54 per licence per month i It is possible to have an unlimited number of users. In order for them to be able to connect at the same time, you will need several licenses. a

Contact Sales
  • All features in the Essentials plan  +
  • CRM for legal entities
  • Groups of contacts
  • Advanced features to manage your events (pre-registration...More)
  • Advanced features to manage your members More
  • External software integration (API, Webhook, Zapier)


$109per licence per month i It is possible to have an unlimited number of users. In order for them to be able to connect at the same time, you will need several licenses. a

a Contact Sales
  • All features in the Plus plan  +
  • Custom process management
  • Conferences management
  • Custom user permissions and roles
  • Accrual accounting
  • Federations management
  • Priority support and dedicated account manager

Compare plans


Get started


Contact Sales

  Take-off Flight Orbit Galaxy
Credit card Voluntary contribution (Zero fee) or 3.9% + $O.30 per bank transaction Get a quote
Bank transfer
Choice of payment method by feature

  Take-off Flight Orbit Galaxy
Cash accounting  
Custom chart of accounts  
General accounting ledger  
Revenue management  
Expenditure management  
Monthly cashflow report  
Data consolidation      
PDF invoices  
Accrual accounting      
Accounts receivable      
Editable invoices      
Multiple payment platforms      

  Take-off Flight Orbit Galaxy
Contact management  
Contact syncing  
Custom fields  
Web form editor  

  Take-off Flight Orbit Galaxy
Custom forms    
Custom fields    
Web form editor    
Online payments    
Automated communications    
Dynamic PDFs    
Workflow manager      

  Take-off Flight Orbit Galaxy
Customize your donation forms
One-time and recurring donations
Easily monitor the donation campaign in real time
Tax receipts are automatically emailed to donors Automatically attach the tax receipt to your donation, membership or ticket confirmation e-mails. a
Customized and automated communications Set up automated, customized e-mails at any time: 'thank you' messages after a donation, reminders for the following year, and more. a
Easily share your campaign Easily share your donation campaign by e-mail, via your social networks or on your website. a
Campagnes P2P
Donation pledge  
Customize your tax receipts  
Dynamic donor mailing lists Customize your communications for a specific group of donors (using criteria such as one-time or recurring donations, donation amount, and more.) a  

  Take-off Flight Orbit Galaxy
Registrations management
Custom fields
Web form editor
Automated communications
Third-party registration system    
Registration limits
Multi-participant registrations
Variable pricing  
Available tickets        
Invitation-only registrations    
Discount codes
Limit on use of the discount codes    
Dynamic PDFs    
Tax receipt generation
Registrations export
Registration syncing  
Events web module
Group management      
Multi-session activities      

  Take-off Flight Orbit Galaxy
Access management      
API     25,000 calls/month 50,000 calls/month
Disk space 1GB 2GB 5GB 10GB

  Take-off Flight Orbit Galaxy
Contact Limit 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000
Monthly Email Sends 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000
Additional contacts & sending capacity See prices based on your contacts and sending needs
Drip Campaigns
Customer Journey Mapping Available as an option
A/B Performance Testing Available as an option
Contact Tags Available as an option
AI-Driven Content Creation
Drag & Drop Email Editor
HTML Email Editor Available as an option
Free Email Templates
Smart Email Templates
600+ Pre-built Email Templates Available as an option
Email Personalization
Remove Platform Logo Available as an option
Authenticated Sender Domain
Dedicated Sending IP Available as an option
Simple Segmentation
Behavioral Segmentation Available as an option
Contacts Import
Contacts Export Available as an option
Automated List Hygiene
Signup Form Builder
Customizable Signup Flow Available as an option
Consent Management
Subscriber Preference Center
Engagement Statistics
Heatmap Click Reporting
Comprehensive Delivery Reports

  Take-off Flight Orbit Galaxy
Custom fields in forms
Custom forms 1 Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Memberships and subscriptions
Preliminary memberships      
Free membership price  
Membership validation  
Membership validation with documents    
Options and special fees
Discount codes  
Automated communications
Communications history    
Invoice in attachment  
Reimbursement fees    
Organizations management with delegates    
Family membership management Coming soon Coming soon
Custom documents (ex: member cards)    
Continuing education      
Statistical reports
Member imports  
Member exports
Contact syncing  
Special price for events
Secure members-only zone
Managing memberships with donations
Member directory    

  Take-off Flight Orbit Galaxy
Responsive website  
Content editor  
Basic customization
Advanced customization  
One-page registrations
Multilingual site  
SEO and referencing  
Addition of news items  
Members module  
Events module  
Donations module  
Data module    
Free hosting  
Custom domain   $5/month

Additional domain name     $5/month $5/month
Pages de collectes

  Take-off Flight Orbit Galaxy
Online Support Center
Email support
Phone support  

Voluntary contributions: access all Yapla services with no transaction fees involved.

Receive 100% of the payment amount received!

When a member of your community (be it a member, donor, event attendee, etc.) processes a payment to your NPO via Yapla, they have the option to contribute to the operation of our platform.

  • With this model, you can take advantage of a $0 online payment solution with no transaction fees.
  • Depending on your Yapla offer, you have the choice between this operating mode or the application of transaction fees of $3.9% + 0.30 per bank transaction.
voluntary contributions yapla

Our passionate team is here to support you

Browse our online help centre

24 hours access to hundreds of articles and tutorials

Email support

All your questions answered by email

Talk to us!

Schedule a videoconference or a phone call

Boost your NPO's digital journey with our specialized Professional Services

A dedicated team specialized in NPO management at your disposal.

Learn more

Frequently asked questions

You can create an unlimited number of users for your Yapla account. However, in order to connect to your account at the same time, each user requires their own license.

If several users wish to connect to your account simultaneously, you will need to add additional licenses:

  • 1 license = 1 user connection at a time
  • 2 licenses = 2 simultaneous connections
  • 3 licenses = 3 simultaneous connections

A user is a person who has access to the administration of the association's account. You can add as many users as you want per license.

Yes, you can upgrade to a higher plan at any time. The new price will be reflected in the fees for the remainder of your subscription.

Yes. Our plans are non-binding. You can unsubscribe by closing your account in the billing section at any time.

Unless you unsubscribe, your subscription will be automatically renewed for the next period.

The information that has been entered in your Yapla account can be exported in Excel format at any time. This makes it easy to retrieve your information should you decide to leave us. Please note however that it is not possible to export your Yapla website into another solution.

The Free plan is completely at no cost. All other plans can be paid by credit card (such as Visa and MasterCard)

Yapla allows you to receive online payments for several products such as memberships, donations and event registrations. Depending on your plan, transaction fees vary.

Free plan (no fees on your transactions by default)
There are no transaction fees for the Free plan. All transaction fees are paid by Yapla. The voluntary contribution consists of financing your transaction fees by offering an optional contribution at the last payment stage. You can deactivate this mode at any time. A fee of 3.9% + $0.30 per transaction will then apply.

Essentials, Plus and Premium plans
Transaction fees of 3.9% + $0.30 are applied by default for the Essentials, Plus and Premium packages. These fees are automatically deducted at the time of the transaction. You also have the option of choosing the "Voluntary Contribution" mode, and thus switching to payments without transaction fees.

Dispute fees
For all packages, a $30 fee is systematically applied for each dispute. A dispute occurs when the credit card owner disputes the payment directly with Visa or Mastercard. The dispute fee is charged upon receipt and collected when your winnings are transferred to your bank account.

Yes! We want to offer you a 100% free service that covers our operating costs.

To do so, we will give your users the possibility to leave us a voluntary contribution when they make a payment via Yapla. Without any obligation and with a free amount, this contribution allows us to make you benefit from our platform for free.

You can disable this feature at any time. A rate of 3.9% + $0.30 per transaction will be applied.

Thanks to the voluntary contribution, receive 100% of the payment amount received through Yapla!

When someone from your community (member, donor, event participant, etc.) makes a payment for your NPO through Yapla, they have the option to contribute to the operation of our platform.

With this model, you can take advantage of a $0 online payment solution with no transaction fees.

Depending on your Yapla offer, you have the choice between this operating mode or the application of transaction fees of 3.9% + $0.30 per bank transaction.


Have any questions?


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